Google Meet


To access Google Meet follow the link on your Classroom homepage

Video Conferencing guidelines at MBHS:

  • All student cameras are turned off BEFORE entering the Meet session

  • All students are muted BEFORE entering the Meet session

  • Every Meet session will be recorded

  • All teacher instructions are followed, failure to do so will result in the removal of your ability to access Google Meet

For assistance please watch this video or read this document.

Joining Google Meet In Classroom

A Meet link is shown on the homepage of your classroom if this available for the class you are in.

You will click this link to join whenever the teacher wants to start a Meet session.

Students are unable to join without the teacher in the Meet.

A new icon is also on the Classwork page.

Text Chat

Select the Chat icon (middle)

This will open the text chat window, you can use this to ask and respond to questions, without the use of audio

Closed Captions

Closed captions (cc icon) enables students with hearing issues the opportunity to engage with spoken learning content during the lesson.

This feature can also support multi-lingual students.

Turn on closed captions by clicking on the button at the bottom right

NOTE: Closed captions only appear during the video conference and don't appear in the recording or during playback of the recording.

Students Sharing Content

Students can share content through the presentation feature of Google Meet

This creates a separate window which joins the video conference

To share work with your teacher select A tab , it will only show your required work

Remember to have all documents open and ready before joining the Video Conference